2. Manipula la simulación con la ayuda de la siguiente guía tomada de la misma dirección
This will be part of an introduction to the chapter on static electricity. I will have balloons, wear a sweater and have a demo size electroscope. Two balloons need to be tied on strings hanging to demonstrate repulsion like the sim. (I hang them on a ring stand because I don’t have easy access to Helium)
Homework: We will briefly review atomic structure before beginning the lesson.
Helpful hints:
Before class, open Balloons and Static Electricity and select the SHOW NO CHARGES on and leave the other settings on default. Also open John Travoltage and minimize it.
You can use the Balloon sim to show repulsion, but it is a little tricky. You have to lightly charge one balloon, quickly charge the other. Then you can make the first one move by repulsion. If the balloon touches the wall, you won’t be able to make it move by repulsion. You can grab it and place it somewhere else. Small charge seems to work better for me than large amounts. I recommend practicing this before you do it in class. The effect of the wall is always present even if you uncheck WALL.